Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Social Empires Hack Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider

Social Empires Hack Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider. This Cheat function to help you in getting Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider for free. Needed 10 Cash to get this unit, use this Cheat Social Empires Cash With Cheat Engine (100% work) to earn cash for free.
Tools Used:
Steps To Get Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider:
  1. Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  2. Log in to your facebook account
  3. Open game Social Empires
  4. Open Cheat Engine and Select process to open
  5. Then select (FlashPlayerPlugin or pugin-container.exe for firefox) and (chrome.exe for google chrome, select the correct)
  6. Change value type to "Array or byte"
  7. Input this code : 00 31 32 39 33 00 00 00 (Advanced Catapult Workshop) then click first scan
  8. input code obtained to address list then change value with this code :
    Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider: 00 32 32 39 37 00 00 00 00
    Corpse Ancient Draggy : 00 32 32 39 36 00 00 00 00
  9. For more details, you can see in the video below :
Description: Social Empires Hack Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Deny Roger - ItemReviewed: Social Empires Hack Unit Corpse Ancient Dragon Rider

Sumber : tsabbitdzikri.blogspot.com

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